Friday, April 3, 2015

3/30/2015 Vocalise Blog

Dear Vocalise,

Please, find below rehearsals notes from Gwen.

Secret trivia for this week: Which famous boy band did not read music? (answer at bottom, might as well write in your notes on your way down!)

Day Break:

All people:
1.  Review the rhythm in m. 27. The only word that should be on the beat is “light."
2.  Review the rhythm in m. 40. The only word that should be on the beat is “the.”
3.  m. 45: circle the change in time signature. Make a note to feel it in 1, leaning more on the first note as you would in a waltz.
4. m. 47: think “up and over” to get to the high D.
5. m. 45-52: make a note to focus on consonants!
6. m. 54-55: add a no breath mark.
7. m. 60: change from last week! take out the fp and perform as written.
8. m. 64-65: add a no breath mark.
9. m. 68: should be sung more as “RI-suhs” not “ri-SES”
10. m. 19, m. 68: review notes. You will sing these with your Aria member at rehearsal.

Soprano 1’s:
1.    m. 32: make a note to cut off right away.
2.    m. 72: this section should have “sparkly text.” Make the consonants shimmer.


All people:
1.  Listen to the pronunciation recordings again. For each word, circle or mark the accented syllable in some way to tell you that you need to go towards and away from that note.
2.  For any “oo” sound (shown by letter “u” in text), your lips should be engaged and puckered.
3.  m. 9: soprano 1’s mark a breath mark right on beat two. Altos mark a small lift.
4.  m. 10-m. 11: lean on “V zhï,” release on “zni.”
5.  m. 11: write in a lift after beat 3, before beat 4.
6.  m. 12: write in a no breath mark between beats 4 and 5.
7.  m. 13: mark a lift on the + of 1.
8.  m. 13: circle the rallentando and a tempo markings. Write in a note to watch Elena.
9.  m. 16: mark a no breath mark
10. m. 17: mark a no breath mark between beats 7 and 8.
11. m. 19: mark a lift after beat 1.
12. m. 20: mark a soft “t” on beat 1 as the final consonant of the word “tjot.”

Soprano 1’s:
At the split on m. 12, Kira, Nika, Mikaela, Jessica T., Gwen, Amy, Celia, and Grase S. will sing top.

Goza mi calipso:
Change! After measure m. 56, we go back to verse 1 (“El calipso en Venezuela es un canto popular…”), sing through verse 1, but then go to the second ending, and sing through the rest of the song.

Keep reviewing the following songs for the May concerts:
Past Life Melodies (work on overtones)
I Hear America Singing
Storm is Passing Over
Peter Go Ring
Ain’t Gonna Let
Old Time Religion
Banjo Pickin’
Spring Waters

Practice the Goza mi calipso and Bedu Pako dances! Have these songs well-learned if not memorized by next week.

Answer to trivia: The Beatles


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