Friday, February 27, 2015

2/25/2015 Ensemble Blog

Hi everyone! Thank you very much for a productive and fun rehearsal this week. It was great to see you all. 
Here are some notes for you to prepare for next time!

Amazing Grace:

Minimize the scooping and keep the vowels tall!
Remember to memorize the harmony.
Ol' Time Religion

Altos - Bottom of page 9 (It was good for Daniel...), should be 100% by next rehearsal. No excuse for wrong notes there!
Sopranos - Ending section (Walk, walk) should also be 100% by next rehearsal. Don't be shy, sing it out!
Write in the solfege in unfamiliar sections and practice with that, and then bring the words in.

The Storm is Passing Over

Make sure that the staccato notes are different from the 'marked' notes (marcato)
Work on the second chorus line "The storm is passing over" - everyone should be together on the different rhythm by next time!

Peter, Go Ring-a Dem Bells

Work on the rhythms in the midsection.
Write in solfege from page 10 on when the song gets much different. 

Let it Shine!

Review the whole piece, please pay close attention to the brightness of the vowels in the word "mine".

Musicianship A's assignment: complete the assignment that you were given over the Winter Break.
Musicianship B: your assignment will follow soon - look out for a Blog update notification just for you!

Friday, February 13, 2015

2/11/2015 Ensemble Blog

Dear Ensemble singers and families,

Thank you again for a wonderful performance last Saturday at Cantabile’s 20th Anniversary Gala!  You performed with joy, energy and excellent sense of the jazz style and it was electrifying to hear and see!
And now – onto the next fabulous set of music! Our last rehearsal was a great big step toward learning the music and getting in “under your skin”
Remember, there is no rehearsal next Wednesday, Feb 18th.   Have a great ski break and remember to practice at least 3 hours (or more!) before our next rehearsal on Feb. 25th
Ensemble Rehearsal Notes, Feb. 13th

Ol’ Time Religion:
Expectations for February 25th rehearsal
1.       Know your part very well. Sing with appropriate style as rehearsed and discussed.
2.       Be able and ready to sing your part on solfege syllables (write them into the score, it is very helpful)
How to get there: Use the following tips to help you practice
ü  Speak the text in rhythm. 
ü  Sing through the notes on Solfedge.
ü  Sing through using the text.

Bedu Pako :
Expectations for February 25th rehearsal
1.       Words learned with correct pronunciation
2.       Know the translation of the Garwali text – understand what you are singing!
3.       Clear understanding of the your part’s road map and which part you sing when sections are divided.
4.       Ability to sing your part with words
How to get there? Use the following sequence to help you practice:
ü  Listen to the recording provided on the previous blog post.  This is a very important step.  Repeat it often!
ü  Speak through the text. 
ü  Sing through the melody on “Du.”
ü  Add the text to the melody! 
·         Notes about the text:
1.    Bedu = Beru
2.    The “d” sound is created by flicking your tongue off the roof of your mouth.
3.    “R’s” should be flipped (no American Rs—thank you!)
·         Remember that at measure 35 Soprano 1’s sing the top line, Soprano 2’s the second line, Alto 1’s the third line, and Alto 2’s the bottom line with girls on the top note (E) and boys on the bottom (A)

Amazing Grace:
·         Remember that for the March festival you need to learn harmony rather than the melody since all guest choirs will be singing melody throughout.
·         Please review your part making sure to be singing the Treble III line on pages 6-7 and 9-10.
·         Keep it beautiful and artistic!  Limit the scooping and stylizing that is so easy to add.  What may be appropriate when you are singing as a soloist is not always appropriate when singing with a choir!

Day Break:
·         Again, listen to the recording provided on the previous blog post.  This is a fantastic recording and a wonderful resource for you to get the sound of this piece in your ears.  Repeat often!
·         Use the break to review the work we have done previously. 

Musicianship Notes:
Musicianship A please complete the assignment below. Musicianship B your assignment will follow on Tuesday, February 17th!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gala instructions & repertoire notes

February 5, 2015
Dear Ensemble singers and families,

I hope you are looking forward to SATURDAY and the Twentieth Anniversary Gala Celebration in honor of Signe Boyer, the founder of Cantabile!  It will be an exciting evening in which you will be able to join with the singers of Vocalise and Bravi, a professional jazz trio, and Elena to create beautiful, celebratory, jazz music!  Please see below for concert reminders and practicing directions.
Saturday, February 7 Gala Celebration

Where: Stanford Faculty Club, Palo Alto (439 Lagunita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305)
Ensemble Call Time: 5:30 pm
Uniform: arrive wearing Cantabile concert uniform, blue pin/blue tie from the holiday concert, make-up and hair done - there will not be time or space to change and there will not be shared make-up available.
Sign In:  Inside Stanford Faculty Club, at the bottom of the stairs.
Sign Out: Tresidder Building, upstairs in Oak Room West.
Sign Out Time: 9.30 pm – all singers.
Enjoy snacks, pizza and a movie after your performance at  approx 7.45 pm. You can also bring a book or some homework to do while you're in your Green Room (Oak Room West).
Reminder: This is an exciting evening full of joy and celebration, but the rehearsal will demand your complete focus as you will be putting the pieces together with Vocalise, Bravi, and the jazz trio for the first time.  You will be hearing scat and improvisation sections that you have not heard before.  You must be prepared, attentive, quiet, and on task during the rehearsal.

Concert Repertoire List/Order

In Approximate Order:
Blue Skies (Vocalise, Bravi and Ensemble)
Sir Duke (Vocalise and Ensemble)
Gershwin Medley (Vocalise)
There Has to be a Song (Vocalise, Bravi and Ensemble)

Ensemble Rehearsal Notes

Blue Skies:
·         Remember one of the most important rules of jazz articulation: 
Syncopation only works when preceded by silence! Make sure to “lift” right before executing a syncopated note.
·         Please review notes for measures 53-66, particularly Soprano II’s.
·         Review the ending, measures 73 to the end, particularly Soprano I’s.  Be prepared to go up to the C!
·         “Going so right” and “My how they fly” are surprises….soft surprises!

Sir Duke:
·         Again Remember:  Syncopation only works when preceded by silence!   
·         Remember the differences in the lyrics: Verse 1 = “They can feel it…”, Verse 2 = “You can feel it…”
·         Review the ending chord on “Sir Duke.”  Get to “Sir” quickly and “Duke” is short.
·         Small, fast mouth on the scat section.  Front of the lips.  No wide mouths!

There Has to Be a Song:
·         This piece has a different feel.  It is Gospel rather than Jazz. 
·         Review your lyrics!!!  Make sure you know them perfectly!  Do not be the weak link! 
·         Sopranos – Review “Somewhere” section.  Be ready to come in strong!  Also, check on the movement from the note D to C-natural in measures 39-40.  Some of you are still singing a C-sharp in measure 40 on the word “somewhere” rather than the c-natural indicated. 

For our next rehearsal on Wednesday, February 11th

Sing Legato book
·         Practice Warm up #1 Sing Legato. You should be able to sing this beautiful melody in all three given keys
(C maj, D major and E major) on words, counts, solfege syllables and, most challenging of all, on note names.
·         Work on expanding your breath support by singing the entire song on two breaths (one before the first note, second in the middle, on the rest.) To deepen the challenge, take the tempo slower each time and note how slow you can go!

Continuing with our spring repertoire:
·         Please, review the two songs we have started in January: Ol’ Time Religion and Day Break.
You need to listen to recordings of both pieces (see links below) and have a very strong idea of the each composition’s shape, mood, tempo and message as well as understanding your vocal part.
Here is a link to Cantabile performing Bedu Pako 3 years ago
Below is a link to a great performance example of Day Break