Thursday, September 5, 2013

Rehearsal Blog Update 09/4/2013

Dear Singers and Parents,

It has been a great second week! As we settle into our routines for the season, here are a few important reminders/announcements: 

  • Vocalise Change in Rehearsal Time: 5:30-8:15pm. Please arrive next week by 5:25pm and be ready for the downbeat at 5:30pm!
  • Ensemble A and B Split: you should all know whether you will arrive next week at 4:25pm for Musicianship A, or need to stay until 7:30pm for Musicianship B. If you do not know your placement, please email immediately.
  • All singers: bring your own pencils and water bottles every week from now on.
  • Vocalise singers: check with your parents to see if they have received the Vocalise Fall Snack assignment list, organized by student’s last name. If not, please immediately email Laura Steuer at

What to Practice


The Angels Will Guide You Home: We started the three-part sections this week. You will soon receive an email from me containing recordings of your parts, to make practicing easier. In the meantime, here was the youtube video I posted last week to help you:

Those of you who have access to a piano, spend some time plunking out your part on pages 4 and 5 – don’t forget to think about the key signature when you do this!

Jingle Bell SwingBe careful when practicing to note the difference between eighth rests and quarter rests. Sometimes you want to be too jazzy and turn the quarter rests into eighths, but those quarter rests are longer than you think! One spot in particular to watch is the quarter rest between “jingle” and “bell swing-a-long”. Go through the music and circle the quarter rests. Then speak the text in rhythm while tapping the beat with your hand or foot.

Here’s the youtube video from last week:


The Angel: Try practicing this piece several different ways – sing-count, sing on a “neutral syllable” (like lalala or dododo), speak the text in rhythm, or try solfege during the E major sections. We talked about how in romantic music, key changes and chromaticism bring changes in color and therefore in mood or character. Isn’t it interesting how many times Rachmaninoff changes keys in this piece? CHALLENGE: Go through the music and see if you can mark all of the key changes.

Here is a video of a women’s chorus performing this piece just under the tempo that we took it in rehearsal. The choir is even called “Vocalisa” - how fitting!

Salve Regina: In performance, this will move and feel flexible. As you become more comfortable with the pitches, practice singing your part at a very fast speed – you will need to become so comfortable with the text and rhythm that you can constantly watch the conductor and make all of the subtle tempo and dynamic fluctuations that you may see.

Here is a different recording of the Busto than the one I gave you last week. You will notice that this choir pronounces the words a little differently than we do – that’s alright. Just listen to how flexible this performance is!

Vivos Voco: Circle ALL of the time signature changes in the music. If there is a change at the top of a page, go back a page and write in a reminder for yourself at the bottom of the previous page. You never want to be surprised by a meter change. Never stop counting!

Here is the recording from last week:

Happy practicing, and see you next week!

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